A project that explores children's and families' experiences of alternative care in Thailand.
Research Report Launch
August 24th 2022
Thammasat University
Chair of the UN Committe on the Rights of the Child
Mikiko Otani is Chair of UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, an international human rights lawyer and a practicing lawyer of family law in Japan with a focus on women’s and children’s rights. She is a Council member of International Bar Association (IBA) Human Rights Institute, a Commissioner and an Executive Committee member of International Commission of Jurists and an Executive Council member of Asian Society of International Law.

UN Special Representative of the Seceratary General
Najat Maalla M'jid is a Moroccan politician and diplomat who serves as the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children. She was appointed to the role by Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres in May 2019. M'jid previously served as the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography from 2008 to 2014.

Director General, Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social and Human Development.
The Royal Government of Thailand